Cannot Complete Repeating Tasks [Microsoft To Do]
Eddy Hu
I have repeating tasks in Microsoft To Do. When I schedule them in Akiflow and complete them they will re-appear on my calendar. What seems to be happening on the backend is that Microsoft To Do creates a new instance of the task for the next due date (e.g., next week). But Akiflow does not recognize this and instead thinks the same task has been unchecked. So if I keep checking it as done in Akiflow it keeps pushing the date in Microsoft To Do but never shows as done in Akiflow.
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Jeson P
Our dev team is able to fix this issue and will be deployed on our next 2.45.X version release :) Please let us know if this is still happening after updating to the latest version.
Erik Zwep
Jeson P Thank you for the update; I’m looking forward to it. Do you know when this version will be released? I noticed it took approximately 5 months to develop this fix—do you also know why it took so long?
Jeson P
Erik Zwep: Sure! Our developers are triaging bugs and issues based in multiple factors :) Some bugs and feature improvements take time but are important and has to be prioritized. :)
I also have this issue when making changes to any recurring task.
Jeson P
Mitch: Hi! Just wanna make sure that it is fixed on your end as well?
Jeson P
in progress
Jeson P
Thank you for sharing this Eddy Hu. I have reported this to our devs and will surely update you for any progress!