Sync between google calendar sometimes breaks
Very weird issue. How it looks to me:
- Have event
- Change occurrence of event - it for some reason doesn't change
- Look up google calendar - there are two events now (dupes)
- Delete events in google calendar - dupe doesn't sync up, so there is event in gcal but not in Akiflow.
Force refresh would be nice...
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Jeson P
Hi Vladislav! Just wanna check if the issue persists?
Jeson P I didn't get any issues in last two weeks. If i notice i will report back here after closing it seems.
Jeson P
Vladislav: Thank you for confirming!
Andrei Conache
Hello Vladislav, is the issue still occurring?
in progress
Jeson P
Hi Vladislav I want to understand the actions you are doing that possibly triggers this. Would you like to hop on a call and show it to me? Kindly book a call here:
Jeson P I will try to reproduce it and book if i find more specific steps to reproduce, sure
Jeson P
Vladislav Real-time syncing should happen often but normally we allow 5-15 mins of wait time for the sync to happen and report if it goes more than that duration. On your desktop, you can try to force refresh your Akiflow tool. (Photo reference attached)
Let me know if the issue persists or if the syncing takes more than the normal time.
Jeson P I tried force-refresh for this issue, it doesn't help
It's weird that it's possible to have event in calendar which is not syncing to Akiflow with force-refresh at all. Maybe it's synced internally but marked as deleted?
In my expectations what is in calendar is always represented in Akiflow, other way it's hard to trust the tool. I don't want to double check calendars just in case it misbehaves.
Jeson P
Vladislav: Hi Vladislav! I just want to make sure that I understand the issue here which is the amount of time before an action reflects to Akiflow, correct? And not a related issue to actions/ tasks NOT showing to Akiflow at all?
Jeson P Not really. Issue is event duplication in google calendar when moving/editing them, but not being visible in akiflow. So if I use only akiflow I don't even know if events are duped or not until teammate "wtf"'s me. But I can't pinpoint reproduce steps unfortunately. Maybe it's related to repeating events.
Vladislav: Hi Vladislav, thanks for taking the time to help us fixing this issue.
- Could you please share a title of an event where you experienced this issue?
- Can you please confirm that you made the changes in Akiflow and not on Google Calendar?
- How did you perform these changes "Change occurrence of event"? Do you remember how you changed it also (for example from weekly to daily)?
We're looking into this!
1 - name was around "1-1 Серёжа-Влад", pretty usual name for my 1-1 with mentees.
2 - yes, absolutely. changes were made in akiflow, but original tasks could be made with google calendar since i don't see signature in them
3 - i moved task with mouse across day and changed occurence with button from every 2 weeks to every four weeks. then task didn't move (despite snackbar) and i could repeat same action. for each attempt duplicate would be created in google calendar.
time from google calendar trash for event above linked as image, maybe it would help somehow (that's after i've deleted dupes)
additional images, some of those events did dupe as well