Tasks show as "late" even though you are still in the same time slot
in progress
Akiflow shows late tasks at the bottom of the screen in the calendar. This is a great feature.
However, it is not accurate when it comes to time slots. For example, suppose I have a time slot that goes from 9 am - 11:30 am, and I assign a task that is 30m long to this time slot. After 30m the task will show up as "late" at the bottom the screen. Technically, it should not be considered late because I put it in the time slot to do at some point from 9 am - 11:30 am. It should only show as late if the entire time slot is over and the task is still not done.
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Jeson P
Hi Eliyahu! We just recently rolled out a new version. Can you please check if you are on the updated version and update me?
Jeson P
in progress
Hi Jeson P please see attached. Notice in the calendar view at the bottom several tasks are marked as late even though I am still in the middle of the time slot.
Jeson P
Eliyahu: Thank you! This might have to do with the time allocated on the tasks which were 8am. I will check this internally and will let you know.
Jeson P
Hi Eliyahu! We've made some updates on the next 2.46 version. Once updated, can you try again and let me know?
Eliyahu we just released the new version, is this happening again? I'ts 2.46.29.
Thank you!
Stefania Hi yes unfortunately it is still happening even in version 2.46.29
Jeson P
Hi Eliyahu - I might need you to send another screenshot for this:
Kindly capture your Today page's sections when you see a task that is already being tagged as overdue task even if the time slot is not yet done? So I can better assess. Thanks!
Actually, this is still happening. Here's an example attached. None of the tasks at the bottom should be showing as late (they are part of the "Morning Tasks" time slot and there is still ample time to do them.)
Hi Jeson P! I looked at it again and realized that the behavior is: when there is less time left in a time slot than the length of a particular task, it shows in the "late" / "urgent" box. I think that actually makes sense so I withdraw my request. :-)
Jeson P
Hi Eliyahu! Thank you for raising this to us. Can you share a screenshot as a reference to this so we can better understand and make sure we are looking at the same area?
Jeson P
under review