



Share Availability

Release 2.38

🚀 Share Availability, Labels and other Improvements

👥 Share Availability
  • The booking page is now
  • Akiflow
    won't delete your inactive links
    automatically, you'll find them in the list under "Inactive".
  • Add a button to
    select your whole working week automatically
  • Renamed "manual" slot to "Single"
  • Improved layout and general UX
Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 10
#️⃣ Labels
  • Readded the
    manual sorting
    option in the Label page.
  • Option to
    collapse the labels and tags on the menu
    for a clearer view.
  • Removed the number next to the labels and tags in the menu.
🌼 Other
  • Go to feature
    : Improved the date recognition.
  • Todoist
    : Support the new duration field, synching it 2-ways with Akiflow's tasks.
  • Tray Menu
    : The shortcut to open it is now supported on the German keyboard layout.