Adjustable Zoom and Density Control on Main Screen for Better Day Overview
It would be great if I could change directly in the main screen (without going to settings) the density / zoom factor freely with something like a zoom bar so I can see my day
a) with 24h on one screen without scrolling
b) with 12h on one screen
c) with 6h
d) with 3h
e) with 2h
would be great to allow gestures to zoom in/out like zooming into a picture.
Background: I like to see my day first thing at the morning at a glance. When moving tasks and appointments I need some zoom level in between like 6h and when I work on something I love to keep my calendar with a 3h window to really concentrate on my current tasks (even if they are 5-15mins each. In this scenario I'd like to have a possiblity to change from the grouped view of for example "3 tasks" into "task 1 xxxx", "task 2 xxxx", "task 3 xxxx" all next to each other (as this will be very readibly on max. zoom factor.
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Jeson P, many days I'm trying to zoom in/out with my fingers and miss this functionality. A very good solution of a free zoom in/out was provided my Morgen Calendar. The zoom feature would be a really big improvement.
Any update on this?
Thank you!
I ❤️ Akiflow.
Jeson P
Mario: We currently have no updates on this. We will surely update you here once this will be worked on. By the way, I am not sure if this would be helpful but Macbooks have the option to zoom in on the screen. I am not sure with Windows but having this option might be an alternative for now. :)
Mario: Hi Mario, I currently use the shortcuts to zoom in-out. Do you use them? I know this is not everything you're asking for I just want to be sure you are aware of them:)
Stefania, thanks for the hint. I was not aware of and it worked on my win 11 surface (similiar to web browser zoom).
Zoom in: Cmd +
Zoom out: Cmd -
Reset Zoom: Cmd 0
Is there a way to use hot keys on mobile (android) devices? I might even change my keyboard app for it. Any trick?
This is linked also to the mobile versions:
Jeson P
Merged in a post:
Adjustable Calendar Density for Improved Event and Task Visibility
The calendar density should be able to be modified just like in Windows, sometimes the space is so small that it does not allow the correct reading of events and tasks.