Hailey White
The IFTTT just can't get this right.. I would love a proper integration
Jayrich Sebullen
Hailey White: Hoping for this soon too! Thank you for the upvote!
We would appreciate an integration with iOS Reminders
Beau Romero
I'd just like to add that TickTick has this integration down perfectly - you can use the "Hey Siri, remind me to X" and it gets sent to TickTick automagically, no need to specify an app or anything
Jeson P
Beau Romero: Thank you for this idea! This will greatly give our devs a good head start when we decide to work on this in the future!
Oh no, it stepped back from "Under review" to "Open"? :(
Therese Chua
Merged in a post:
Integration: Apple Task Management Tools
We would love to see Akiflow integrate with Apple's task management tools such as notes, reminders and To Do's
I would like to see this become a reality. I came from Sunsama and found that it was lacking in certain areas. I trialed Akiflow and I really LIKE Akiflow better, but just as I was "leaving" Sunsama they did introduce Apple Reminders. At the time I wasn't too worried about it as it was not part of my workflow. But I am seriously looking at starting with NotePlan, and I believe that NotePlan can integrate with Apple Reminders (Tasks can be created in NotePlan and I believe they sync with Apple Reminders).
So I am thinking that if I need to create Tasks in my Notes (in NotePlan) I can then sync them with Apple Reminders and get them into Akiflow (if Akiflow can get this feature off the ground).
As said, I absolutely love Akiflow to the degree that I signed up to the Yearly Plan and then in less than a month, I signed up for the 5 Year Believer Plan, so I am in it for the long haul. That's why I support this feature request as it would really help with my (and no doubt others) workflow.
Jeson P
Brad: Thank you so much for believing in us! You are one of the reasons why we keep doing what we do. :) We understand the importance of this integration and are ensuring that if we decide to do it in the future, we can dedicate our focus to it while maintaining a solid foundation for our existing integrations.
Rodrigo Ramos Paraiso
I am quite new here, but needed to point that iOS Reminders work perfectly for me through IFTTT. It's free ir you only have 2 applets of less.
The only thing is that it seems to work each 5 mins. I only want to register tasks via Siri, don't need to be instant.
Jeson P
Rodrigo Ramos Paraiso: Thank you for sharing this for other users!
Just wanted to report that I've found a way to do this with a full proper integration and surprisingly works well.
What you do is:
- Create an Outlook account
- Set up Akiflow <> Microsoft ToDo integration
- Connect a Live account on iOS and Exchange account on macOS (using your Outlook account from Step 1 👆)
- Set a default list in Reminders on iOS and macOS to the Exchange Tasks list
Now, when you create a task in reminders via Siri or just in general, it will show up in Akiflow and when you complete it in Akiflow, it'll get completed in Reminders, via the Microsoft ToDo bridge.
Kind of funny that something Microsoft made works, but so far this has been reliable and fast, and is a real 2-way sync :)
Jeson P
Milosz: This is promising! I shared this to our dedicated dev team so this can be verified and hopefully works and completely reliable to be shared to everyone!
Stefania Is the team planning/scoping this feature at all? It's been over a year since the last update here :)
For Mac/iOS users Reminders is probably the best capture tool available with great Siri integration and even starting with a basic inbox integration (like Things 3) would be a massive feature
Milosz: Hi Milosz! Since then we developed our own Siri integration you should be able to create tasks on the go and manage them from the mobile app. Have you tried it?
Stefania I really just want an integration with Reminders.
Siri barely works as is, and i've not really been able to get it to work reliably with any specific app via voice commands.
Your IFTTT integration with Reminders doesn't work, btw. I think this is broken on the IFTTT end, but it just doesn't run.
Jeson P
Milosz: We hear you on this one. Stefania is one of our product team and we will surely inform you if we decide to work on this in the future!
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