Deadline: Have a list of tasks by deadline (eg today's)
I'd like to quickly check which deadlines I have for the day, to see if I forgot some tasks in Inbox or anywhere else.
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Merged in a post:
Upcoming Deadlines Overview
I really don't care how this feature is implemented but I think it's vital in a planning system to see an overview of upcoming deadlines to know which tasks to tackle first. I think it's best to add it in the filter view, or have a seperate calander that syncs a deadline date to the task.
Šimon Demočko
Simply having an ability to list all upcoming deadlines would be beneficial. Listing all Tasks sorting by deadlines kinda does it, but there is a bug with that sort, it doesn't sort the dealdines properly, I added another ticket for this.
Jeson P
Šimon Demočko: Thank you for this! Can you clarify what do you mean for another ticket? Do you mean vote or a similar one? If the latter, let me know so we can merge them here :)
Great idea!
I'd like to see deadlines within the next few days, maybe based on what calendar view I have open. Even just a small section with impending deadlines could be really helpful.
Syauki Latif
Agree. i would love to have this. Overview for the week deadline or month deadline coming up.