Dynamic deadline for recurring tasks
Let me set a relative deadline for recurring events. For example, an event that happens every saturday, and a deadline that is the next thursday. so if i had an event on oct 22, its deadline would be oct 27. and the next instance of that recurring event, on the 29th, would have a deadline of nov 4.
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This would be awesome in Akiflow. In Things 3 I was able to do exactly that and I used it all the time.
John Villarasa
Enrik Hi Enrik! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us and for supporting this feature request. We understand how valuable it could be in Akiflow, too. While I don’t have a timeline for when it might be added, we’re definitely listening and grateful for your patience. Thanks again for chiming in—it means a lot to our team!
Merged in a post:
Recurring functionality
I really don't like the way recurring tasks work in Akiflow, it's a very poor implementation imo. Every week I have some homework due at 11:59pm on Thursday. If I set a deadline for Thursday, making it recur will always be that specific Thursday, not relative to the recur date, which seems like a massive oversight. My other option is to make it recur on the day that it is due, but some assignments I should be starting earlier than the day of, which means they recur and show up as overdue the next day, when I don't want them to. Additionally, please add recur functionality through the Command Bar (Routine has this and you guys should copy it.)
Hi Andy, can you confirm that these are the 2 things you'd like us to implement?
Stefania: The first one is exactly what I want. The second one, I mean that I want a due date relative to the recur date. Task recurs on Monday with a deadline of the following Thursday, then when the next Monday comes around, a new task shows up with the due date being THAT thursday, rather than the original thursday.
Andy: Clear! So it should be this one https://product.akiflow.com/features-and-improvements-request/p/let-me-add-a-dynamic-deadline-for-recurring-tasks
I try to merge similar request so the votes adds up and we can see what users want the most. If you confirm that, I'll merge your request with this one and add your vote for the command bar one.
Stefania: Yes, that's exactly right. Thanks!